Game Developers -> Ready, Set, Go!
Round 1 applications are now open! Level 1 is easy – all you have to do is go to the starting page, press “Apply Now”, fill a couple of lines and press “Submit”. And be done with that before 10th of July. Piece of cake, huh?!
So what’s going to happen? We will evaluate your idea and if it is something that would suit our accelerator, we will send you the invitation to Level 2 application. Once you have filled that one out, we will select the ones who will make it to level 3 – interviews. The interviews will be held over Skype or face-to-face, depending on the circumstances.
For those, who make it to the final level of application, there will be an international committee of industry veterans deciding who will get in. The committee includes game publishers, VC-s and other people who have been there done that and earned the T-shirt.
The final selection will be announced at the beginning of August and the program starts at the beginning of September.
So, what are you waiting for? Put your game face on and press “Apply”!