Teams for the First Round Selected
Yes, it is true, we have 6 teams packing their bags and getting ready to move to Estonia to be a part of the first startup accelerator focused on gaming startups only.
I bet you were expecting to get the scoop on the teams fromthis post, but not yet. Let’s give them time to settle in first. We will not leave you empty handed though- let me present our distinguished jury who are behind our amazing selection.
Present at the evaluation committee held at Tallink Spa Hotel were (from the left) Michael Bevin from CandyCane Apps (EST), Märt Lumi from Tiny Speck (CAN), Thorbjörn Waring from Grand Cru (FI), Andrei Korobeinik from Flirtic (EST), Vladimir Funtikov from Creative Mobile (EST) and Oleg Pridiuk from Unity (LT). Also in the picture co-founders of GameFounders Sven and Lauri. Guess who was taking the picture 😉
Picture: GameFounders’ evaluation committee hard at work (playing games that is)